Monday, February 11, 2013

Regulations on Registration & Licensing of Players

03.Peraturan Pendaftaran & Pelesenan Pemain

Diluluskan menjelang 2013 Lembaga Presiden

  1. Semua Persekutuan Catur Kebangsaan (NCF) hendaklah dikehendaki untuk mendaftar Pemain mereka dengan FIDE. Peraturan-Peraturan FIDE Pendaftaran, Pemindahan dan Kelayakan hendaklah terpakai. 
  2. Maklumat harus mengandungi Nama Pemain, Jantina, Tempat & Tahun Lahir, Photo, Nombor Pasport Nombor ID FIDE (jika ada). FIDE atau NCF hendaklah mengeluarkan Nombor ID FIDE jika Pemain tidak mempunyai satu pada masa pendaftaran.
  3. FIDE / NCF hendaklah mengeluarkan Pemain dengan Kad ID Player yang mengandungi maklumat dari Peraturan 2 diatas. Segalal maklumat hendaklah dikekalkan dalam Senarai Pemain FIDE Berlesen.
  4. Pemain yang mendaftar untuk bersaing dalam sebarang pertandingan FIDE Rating hendaklah dikehendaki untuk menyediakan Nombor ID FIDE beliau.
  5. Penganjur menerima apa-apa pendaftaran mesti merujuk kepada Senarai Pemain FIDE Berlesen sebelum menerima pendaftaran.
  6. Jika satu Penganjur tidak sengaja diterima Pemain tanpa Lesen sah, Penganjur hendaklah didenda 50 Euro untuk setiap pelanggaran. Pemain tersebut hendaklah tidak mempunyai Nombor ID FIDE dan hendaklah tidak mempunyai Bendera Persekutuan.
  7. Permainan dimainkan oleh Pemain tanpa Lesen sah tidak boleh dikira bagi penarafan Rating untuk diri mereka sendiri. Permainan dimainkan terhadap mereka yang Berlesen sahaja berhak untuk dikira Rating.
  8. NCF boleh kemudiannya (semasa atau selepas pertandingan) mendaftarkan pemain yang disebut dalam Peraturan 8 & 9 di atas disediakan Yuran Pembayaran Lewat 50 Euro dibayar.
  9. Pemain tanpa Lesen tidak boleh bermain dalam apa-apa pertandingan rasmi FIDE atau Continental.
  10. Bagi setiap kali pemain yang telah dinyahsenaraikan oleh NCF beliau dan kemudiannya disenaraikan semula, pembayaran adalah 20 Euro

03. Regulations on Registration & Licensing of Players

Approved by 2013 Presidential Board
1. All National Chess Federations (NCF) shall be required to register their Players with FIDE. The FIDE Regulations on Registration, Transfers and Eligibility shall apply.
2. The information should contain Player’s Name, Gender, Place & Year of Birth, Photo, Passport Number; FIDE ID Number (if any). FIDE or the NCF shall issue the FIDE ID Number if the Player does not have one at the time of registration.
3. FIDE/NCF shall issue the Player with a Player ID Card bearing the information from Rule 2 above.All information shall be maintained in the List of FIDE Licensed Players.
4. A Player who registers to compete in any FIDE rated competition shall be required to provide his FIDE ID Number.
5. An Organizer receiving any registration must refer to the List of FIDE Licensed Players before accepting the registration.
6. If an Organizer inadvertently accepted a Player without a valid License, the Organizer shall be penalized 50 Euro for every infringement. Such Players shall not have a FIDE ID Number and shall have no Federation Flag.
7. Games played by Players without a valid License shall not count for rating for themselves. Games played against them by Licensed Players shall be counted.
8. A NCF may subsequently (during or after the competition) register the Player mentioned in Rules 8 & 9 above provided a Late Payment Fee of 50 Euro is paid.
9. Players without a License cannot play in any official FIDE or Continental competition.
10. For each time a player who has been delisted by his NCF and subsequently re-listed, the payment is 20 Euro

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